A review by cherryredsreads
Badd Boy by Jasinda Wilder


You know when you read a book & it gives you such intense feelings that gives you chills because you can relate to the main character so well?
This is that book!
I'm a total BADD groupie for these brothers. Every book Author Jasinda & Jack Wilder have given us in this series has captured my heart. All can be read as standalone but believe me, once you start any one of the brothers books, you will want to get to know all of them!
Xavier... He is totally the best for last in this series.
He is the youngest of the brothers at the ripe age of 20 but his intellectual mind and his raw and honest heart will have you claiming him as your favorite.
When Xavier meets Low, his world of knowledge is thrown into a loop of highly emotionally charged feelings and romantic words that will make any woman swoon 100x hard when meeting him.
Loved the build up and anticipation of finding out if Xavier can concur his fears that he has held within himself since a young age.
Go get this book and be ready to take another fabulous ride on the BADD side!