A review by veraann
Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning


Fever Series Book #5

This series MUST be read in order. Every book starts where the last one ended. Each had a cliffhanger ending. While this one was "the end". Since there are other books written in this world/series it is not a spoiler to say things are not cliffhanger, but left somewhat open.

This is an adult PNR series, so the sexual content is there and descriptive. Though there is a lot of story and not all focused on relationships. This series is a great blend.

As for characters and the world it is difficult to review that without spoilers. I do love the characters, in this series I think Barrons has to be my favorite. Mac initially annoyed me, but as the series went on, she grew and I grew to like her more. Dani, kind of obnoxious. V'lane well wow. and so many other side characters here, that are done very well, that they really make part of the story.

The ideas of the world and the fae, some is typical of every faery story. Yet there is a definite authors spin to make it interesting. There are many things in this series that I had been trying to figure out, even reading through this book, thinking I can figure it out, I can do it. Nope, I couldn't so many surprises. It was wonderful, I like when an author can surprise me, but still make sense and not come out of no where at all.