A review by dantastic
Blackout by Tim Curran


Jon wakes up after having a few too many at a block party to find his wife gone and his neighborhood mostly deserted and in the grips of a blackout. Jon soon finds himself fighting for his life with a small group of survivors, trying to evade the sinister tentacles ensnaring people and snatching them away into the maw of some unseen predator in the sky...

I got this from DarkFuse via Netgalley. And it was really damn good.

Blackout's premise is simple enough. Something knocks out the power and starts knocking off the humans. As Jon and the other survivors fight for their lives, the details start trickling out and the depth of the shit Jon's town is in proves to be much deeper than originally anticipated.

Tim Curran does a fantastic job showing how quickly things go to hell in a hand basket during a crisis situation. Of course, most of us would behave the same way as Jon and the other survivors once an alien horror from beyond starts harvesting humanity like a bunch of blueberries.

I think the frantic pace coupled with the slow reveal of what was attacking the town is what made the book a home run for me. Since the story was told in the first person, I had an idea of what the ending would be but Curran surpassed my expectations.

The DarkFuse Novella series continues rolling on with the momentum of an asteroid strike. Five out of five squamous stars.