A review by judeinthestars
Finding Family by Jamey Moody


3.5⭐️ – Jamey Moody’s books are not the most groundbreaking you’ll read, but they’re heartwarming. You have to embrace the sappiness, because honestly, it feels good.

When she offers to accompany her friend and business partner Frankie’s wife Olivia to her fertility doctor appointment, fitness center owner Desi doesn’t expect to meet the love of her life. After her ex broke up with her over her desire to have children, Erin decided to have a family on her own. Her first three attempts at getting pregnant failed and she’s hoping the fourth time will be the one. From the moment Erin and Desi meet, the connection is strong and things move fast because if there’s one thing they agree on, it’s that when you know, you know.

Desi and Erin are both sweet, and it’s always nice to read about older characters (Desi is forty-five, Erin is forty-one). Everything happens really fast but both Erin and Desi are aware of it, and it becomes part of who they are. Desi is this strong athlete type with a huge heart and a very romantic side she hides until she meets Erin. Erin, on the other hand, is strong-willed and holds a rather stressful job, but she’s also very playful and forward. They make a good pair.

As I wrote above, the connection is immediate, and the flirting is entertaining and light-hearted. I also liked that sex is the only area where they (try to) take it slow. The build-up is fun and the result is worth the wait, both for them and for the reader.

There are very touching moments in this novel. One of them is when Desi tells a very pregnant and frustrated Erin how beautiful she is. It reminded me of when my wife was pregnant and how magical and terrifying it felt.

One of the things I like in Jamey Moody’s stories is that, while they are rather traditional, they also surprise me here and there with small twists, unexpected turns. It makes them both more realistic and interesting. What I’m not a fan of, however, is real life making incursions in books, as I mostly read for the escapism it brings. It’s cute that Desi will recommend her favourite books to Erin, and that they’re real books by real authors, but to me, it’s not only unnecessary, it pulls me out.

Also, it sometimes feels as if there are too many words, too many daily life details, but I also think Jamey Moody’s writing gets better with each book I read.

Finding Family is book 2 in the Your Way series and while it can easily be read as a standalone, I always enjoy seeing – so to speak – familiar faces. [b:Finding Home|56592398|Finding Home (Your Way, #1)|Jamey Moody|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1610105000l/56592398._SX50_.jpg|84528004], the first book in the series, is Frankie and Olivia’s story, the third one, [b:Finding Forever|56646830|Finding Forever (Your Way, #3)|Jamey Moody|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1610460774l/56646830._SY75_.jpg|88516709], is Stella’s, the third partner and best friend.

ARC provided to Les Rêveur for an honest review.