A review by violentdelights
Elvis and Me by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley

I have absolutely no idea how to rate this. What a difficult book to read for me. I understand victims of abuse all react differently, but it was hard - especially with the early chapters - to hear about such obvious grooming and predatory behaviour described with such love in her voice was difficult to swallow.

Listening to the audiobook made the experience much more vivid, I think - Priscilla softly giggles and sighs at fond memories, and the fondness in her voice in palpable. However, I could never find myself fully falling for this story she told of Elvis - one of trouble and misery but ultimately a love story - because I couldn’t help but view it through the lens of abuse and manipulation. 

Listening to Priscilla describe her relationship to Elvis as both her father and husband, describe herself as someone molded by Elvis into his perfect girl, describe Elvis himself as “a perfect gentleman” for not sleeping with her while a minor but still kissing and caressing her - it was a horrific journey. I wish I could leave this book with the nuanced view of Elvis that she wanted me to have, but it just left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.