A review by jlinhart
Insatiable, Book Two by J.D. Hawkins


I'm going 3 3/4 to 4 stars on this one.

I fell in love with the first book so I had high expectations for book 2. And it's not like it wasn't good, because it was but I felt like this one fell a bit short.

So the book starts off where that last one ended. I think what threw me in this book is in Book 1 you have Jax teaching Lizzie how to be an incredible fuck. He is building her confidence and she is really coming into her own and boom all the lessons fly out the window and in order to have a relationship she is basically ready to settle down with probably someone worse than she originally had. Suddenly we see a clueless Lizzie. I kind of wanted to smack her.

On top of that we got a sort of sulky Jax. In my review of book 1 I called him probably the cockiest character I may have ever read. I was like where is my cocky guy. How could he be defeated so easily. The Jax that I knew and started to love would have more fight in him. On the plus side I did like his evolution from a one hitter to someone who could have feelings for someone and maybe a relationship. It was nice to see how much he ended up caring about Lizzie

I also did think it ended pretty abruptly. I think that there was more that could have been explored. Possibly both books could have been combined into one book... but that is neither here nor there. If the author preferred two that is fine, but maybe lets see more content in regards to the conclusion.

Standout character for me again was Luce. I like her attitude and her relationship/friendship with Jax.

Even though book 2 didn't knock me out like book 1 I still really like this author. He has a great style of writing. I like the humor he put into both books. I like his descriptions.

“I’m a ‘never-see-you-again’ guy. A one-ride-ticket. You don’t go to Niagara Falls or the pyramids every day, but you remember them forever. That’s what I offer. An unforgettable night, and a taxi ride home.”

See that's good right?! This book is full of that kind of easy, fun, humorous, catchy writing style. I will definitely be picking up the next book he puts out.