A review by lifeinthebooklane
Conquered by Kallista Dane, Kate Richards


Whilst this is still an enjoyable story, I didn't feel it was as good as previous books

The story was entertaining and well written, with a good amount of steam. We get to see more of Jess and Manstk, from book 1, which was great. Both main character's were likeable enough and I like how caring Vyraz was towards Aja.

For some reason both Aja and Vyraz felt quite flat and a lacking depth. I just didn't get a sense of emotion from them, it felt more as though they were narrating/describing what they could see or were doing. Very much a case of being told rather than shown. In order to really enjoy/love a book I need to feel a connection with the main characters, I need to have their emotions shown and described - in fact I need to feel those emotions. Is their skin crawling/prickling/sensitive to the slightest touch? Does their heart pound in anticipation? Is joy filling their soul or sorrow shattering their heart?

That said it's not a terrible read, if you've enjoyed others in the series/similar books I'm sure you'd enjoy this one. It can be read as stand alone in terms of Aja and Vyraz's story being completed within this book. However the back story has been building throughout the series, so I would suggest reading them all in order for maximum enjoyment.