A review by trish204
A Long Day in Lychford by Paul Cornell


The Brexit vote is about to take place in this 3rd volume and tensions are high in Lychford.

Since Autumn herself is one of the "brown people" as some terrible residents are calling it, she feels very uncomfortable and is aghast how little she can talk to otherwise nice people about it. They just don't see anything wrong with their demands that leads to them voting "Leave".
Worst of all, it causes a fall-out between the three witches, too.
But there are other manifestations of a problem (the same perhaps?) such as (but not limited to) several people being led over the magical border and into another world by their navigation apps.

I was surprised that the author managed to get enough humour into this quite dark social topic. Such as Lizzy's name for her fitness tracker / smart watch. *snickers* It was certainly a nice fresh breath of air in between as the overall atmosphere was a bit oppressive.

Consequently, I liked that it wasn't JUST about Brexit and the change in society (worldwide, by the way, not just in Britain) that enabled such a thing to happen in the first place. The magical mystery, the further weakening of the borders, the threat that is not just a problem for us humans ... not to mention Finn's "missteps" and the "music" of the illegal rave getting into faery and disturbing their sleep under the hills. Bwahahahahahaha!

The three witches really have grown on me. Though I have to admit that some reactions from Autumn and her obsession with
Spoilernot calling anything evil "dark magic" because of racial stuff
are borderline annoying and ridiculous. Yes, she was on the edge and I absolutely get why (especially thanks to that terrible man Rory), but some of her notions were just too over the top.
The most heartbreaking, for me, was Judith
Spoilersuccumbing to dementia

It has also become clear by now that there is a bigger, overall story behind all the single mysteries we have been witness to so far, which is nice. Can't wait to learn more and get to the climax.

One not so good thing was that we once again got a different narrator and I didn't connect with her performance as much as with the previous two. :/