A review by knod78
The Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling


I'm trying to read some classics that I never read before. I'm sorry, but I didn't like this book...like hardly at all. Kipling is a poet and maybe that's the issue. This book reads like a poet writing a novel, which equals boring and long and too many words to say one thing. This was also another story that was Disneyfied up. The movie is nothing like the story (like Little Mermaid and Hunchback of Notre Dame). And I didn't like Mowgli. There I said it. He was whiny and kind of an asshole when we got older and new he was leader of the jungle. But speaking of jungle...how in the sam hell are there two stories about Inuit's and seals included in a book of jungle stories. Did I miss something in 1800s? Did the temperatures drastically change? I'm also reminded yet again of why man / humans just suck. There were some pretty sad stories like with the seals and elephants that I almost couldn't stomach.

I will say that I didn't hate the books, because I gave it 2 stars. Most of the stories when they had to do with Mowgli's tale were interesting. The animal politics and rules were fascinating and I loved how they took care of things and told their own stories. I just wished they were better organized and flowed through a timeline. I assumed one of the stories where there is a man who is listening to the animals talk is about Mowgli, but I'm not sure and it's possibly in the future (I think).

Clearly, people loved this book. I am not that person. So, you may be interested in it. Just be warned that the chapters are long and it's nothing like the movie you remember as a kid.