A review by skmcclelland
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson


I read this book too quickly. I assumed that since it was short, I could plow through it in a couple of days and be good to go for book group. Not so, which I should have remembered from reading [book:Gilead], an absolutely gorgeous book. This one might have been gorgeous too, I can't in any fairness say. I didn't have the time (or the mental capacity, honestly) to linger over the passages the way one needs to in order to fully appreciate it. Her language is poetry that I had to chew up like fast food, much to my own loss, I think.

That being said, I'm not sure if I will like it when I re-read it in about ten years when I have more time (yeah, uh-huh, sure!) because it's a pretty depressing story with characters who I'm not sure are entirely likeable. GILEAD was full of redemption and hope and human flaw. This one is just...weird and rather disturbed. I hope I will like it. I hope that the power of the language will draw me into the plot and into these characters in a way that a rushed reading didn't allow.