A review by bluenicorn
The Secret Loves of Geek Girls by Hope Nicholson, Stephanie Cooke


Like any anthology, there are stories in here that didn't do anything for me, and others that did. There were big names that contributed very little (just... just skip the Atwood part- for everyone's sake...), and some contributions that felt a bit like filler. But like many works that try to fill a niche that no one else has before, I just felt an overwhelming gratefulness for it existing. There are works in here from all kinds of geeky girls- young, old, queer, trans; gamers, cosplayers, fanfic writers and artists. Some of them find love in romantic partnerships, while some are still looking; some find it in friends, and most end up finding a degree of it with themselves and their geeky passions.

My favorites really run the gamut- there's a beautiful and bittersweet story called "Minas Tirth" by Marguerite Bennett; "A Divorcee's Guide to the Apocalypse," by Katie West, that really hit home ("If the end of my marriage was like any particular kind of apocalyptic event, it would have been a slow flood... p 63; "I wanted to understand, after over five years of marriage, who I was when I was alone." p 67) And most of the comics included were really great- hard to single one out. Worth skimming through.