A review by venom
Entropy in Bloom by Jeremy Robert Johnson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 85%.


(1 1/2 star)
Got about 70% through (which is to say up to the last story) when I made up my mind to give up. I truly could not get over the awful racism in "A Flood of Harriers", it was just PAINFUL to read and I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone else point this out in reviews. Other than that I just found the book edgy, though not even particularly gruesome or entertaining - a lot of it just made me roll my eyes. I didn't find the book exactly badly written per se, just *very* mediocre, honestly (which was disappointing because the premise seemed so fun and interesting to me initially). Most of the stories either felt as just nothing particularly interesting was happening or the author going "wouldn't it be Fucked Up if this happened" with an added pinch of teenage "I hate EVERY kind of person" angst.
(The one story I gotta admit I found fun and irked me in its grossness and gore was "When Susurrus Stirs"... kinda the reason I bumped up that extra half star at all)