A review by kingfan30
Señor Vivo and the Coca Lord by Louis de Bernières


This ended up on my shelf as it appears on the 1001 list, however I had no idea it’s the second book of a trilogy until after I had finished it!

It’s certainly like nothing I’ve read before, the chapters flittered about but generally it was easy to follow. I loved the way that Senor Vivo managed to evade the attempts on his life from the Coca lord, seemingly just by luck, but enough that made people think he had some kind of magic power. I did find the violence a bIt much for some reason, and I’m used to crime novels, but one scene in particular made me feel quite sad so that I had to put the book down a give myself a bit of time before picking it back up.

Overall an interesting read and if the others in the trilogy landed with me at some point I would prefer backyard read them.