A review by seshat59
A Fatal Waltz by Tasha Alexander


In which Colin’s job and past are explored.

A Fatal Waltz continues Emily’s adventures. Now engaged to Colin Hargreaves, a murder of a prominent British politician implicates Emily’s best friend Ivy’s husband and Emily is charged with exonerating him. Her adventures take her go Vienna to waltz and fraternize with both artists and anarchists.

So far, so good with the series. Amidst the delightfully entertaining twaddle, witty dialogue, and men falling for Emily left and right, this book does continue to deepen Emily’s character and those of her friends. I really enjoyed the interactions of Emily’s diverse group of girlfriends. Also, faced with Colin’s former paramour, insecurity rears its ugly head. And despite Emily’s penchant for investigations, that territory is often dangerous and potentially fatal, and never more so than in this installment.

The Austrian setting is delightful and very atmospheric. (How can you not love Cecile’s affair with Gustav Klimt?)

I’m not looking forward to the next novel as it disillusioned me years ago, but here’s to second chances.

3.5-4 stars