A review by howski
The Disappearing Act: The Impossible Case of MH370 by Florence de Changy


Its not often I leave a text review but I feel misssold, depite presenting itself as fact and the other reviews here - this book is no more than another conspiriacy theory.

I really do question the other reviewers here. Yes the book starts of quite well and the author does look to have done quite a lot of work and travel in her investigation but once she gets as far as the flaperon, what starts out as a reasonable bit of journalism slowly slips in to an excerise in ignoring facts on the level of a 4chan user.

She dismisses the flaparon and the other debris as a plant because a plate isn't on it and the serial number company took a long time to get back to the team .........

She dimisses the many reports of the pilot having issues using the family's report of nothing being wrong

She ignores all of the multiple sources showing the flighth path away from china to promote her theory of it being shot down in the south China sea .......

I could go on but really the further you go on the more it become obvious that there is a cherry picking of facts here makes you question the whole book. If she chooses to ignore the very things she's witten about already, what else has been left out?

By all means read if you want but take everything with the same pinch of salt you would any other conspiracy theory on the internet