A review by kiaramedina
Invaded by Melissa Landers


*Review can also be read at Read it in a Day*

Alienated was one of those books that had me dying for a sequel when I read it last year. I could not wait to get my hands on Invaded. Like I was desperate. Now, a full year later, I devoured Invaded with the thrill of having the book and the dread that this is the end.

I kept having to stop reading because this book had me on my toes.

While in Alienated, the alien was Aleyx, living among the humans, now it’s Cara’s turn to live among the L’eihrs. Dealing not only with the loss of everything she’s once known, but with separation of all those she loves, Cara not only struggles to remain optimistic, but must excel in her duties as ambassador prepare the way for her people. Meanwhile, Aelyx is trying to repair the damage he brought upon the humans with his schemes. (Read Alienated for that) Does distance make the heart grow fonder or colder? And why the heck is Jaxon so freaking creepy?

I threw that last question in for good measure. So weird.

Back to the actual review.

Cara’s always been determined, and strong, and courageous. In Alienated she did whatever she had to do. However, in Invaded, stripped of the constant support of her parents and friends, Cara must learn how to be strong by herself and not lose hope. A hard thing when living on a planet of aliens who are completely and radically different from you in so many things. Trying to blend in with a planet that is so much more strict than she’s used to appears challenging. She has a lot of catching up to do.

Before, she would have said yes to staying on planet L’eihrs in a heartbeat. Now…she might not be so sure.

Aelyx, on the other hand, remains stuck on earth, trying to make humans like him, all the while, trying not to die.

Sounds like a great time, doesn’t it?

Character growth in this book is astronomical (ha-ha-ha). Our MCs start of thinking like love struck teenagers, but finish the book thinking like adults. For a while there, I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a happy ending or a sad one. AND THERE WAS THIS ONE SCENE THAT I SWEAR I’LL NEVER FORGIVE MELISSA LANDERS FOR BECAUSE MY HEART STOPPED.

Besides all of this, I am completely satisfied with how Invaded ended. It was a beautiful finale to a wonderful Alienated, and I can’t wait to see what other books Landers has in store for us now.

That is, whenever I forgive her for the heart attack.