A review by celesslia
The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams


We spend hours in our own world. Our love story tangible. Our hopes bared.
Our souls light. Our fears set aside for this brief moment in time where nothing
can touch us. In this place—in those arms—I am safe and free. I open my arms
and dance in the rain. I twirl in the current. I lie back in the meadow as dark eyes
sparkle above me.

THIS BOOK OMG I LOVED IT!! Bree and Nathan are so cute and fun together. Not gonna lie, the slow burn killed me, I couldn't wait for them to admit their feelings for each other. And the fake dating which was so not fake, I wanted to jump in to the book and scream JUST ADMIT IT, YOU BOTH LOVE EACH OTHER but it was worth the wait because the panic attack confession, that was just amazing and they way Bree calmed him down and all. THEY'RE JUST ADORABLE.


Moving on to my favorite parts, spoilers ahead!!