A review by we_are_all_mad_here26
A Duty To The Dead by Charles Todd

Since I will undoubtedly one day come across book #2 in this series and wonder if I should pick it up, I'm writing this review to remind myself what I thought of the first. Sadly, what I thought was, am I almost done yet? Not because the book was bad. It was actually perfectly fine. But it did start to feel long, between visits to rectors and doctors and other various players in the story - and also, the tension never really escalated. We were asking the same questions throughout the story, with the same group of suspects making themselves clear, but no information presented to lead you to think of one of them over any others. So at the end, when the truth is revealed, I thought, oh. So it was that one. Very well.

Update 09/22/2022 - finally, my review strategy paid off! Ignoring suggestions to read #2 in this series.