A review by shivani_maurya
End Times: A Brief Guide to the End of the World by Bryan Walsh


Ever wondered, why we love apocalyptic scenarios playing out in movies and TV shows? The Earth on its path to destruction, only to be saved at the last minute by science or superheroes? And if not wholly saved, at least with a portion of population making it to the new day for a new beginning? One look at Netflix's popular series is enough to corroborate the fact. What becomes evident is a perverse and possibly misplaced confidence in humanity and its achievements. Yes, no one believes superheroes will start popping up anytime now. But everyone believes in science and expects a similar deliverance in real life. When we see things turning out great on screen, we don't pay attention to the fact that the script is pandering to our confidence in human perpetuity. After all, no one goes to the theaters to get glum over buckets of cheesy popcorn and coke.

Q. An asteroid on its way to destroy Earth?
A. Send oil drillers to plant a bomb on it.

Q. Earth's volcanoes are erupting?
A. Make sure the floor isn't lava, have some gallant sacrifices, save the hero and his daughter.

Q. Aliens attack the Earth?
A. Make the president give an inspiring speech. Get Smith and Goldblum a spaceship. Or just have the Avengers Assemble.

Q. Deadly organisms kill off half the world population?
A. Make sure the protagonist survives, better if he/she has a fortunate mutation to source vaccination for the rest of the living.

Q. AI takes over the planet?
A. Make sure you have a terminator and time travel tech.

Now, if you take out the fantastical saves from these all too real threat scenarios, the only thing left would be overwhelming fear and despair. We know there are no superheroes out there. And we know science doesn't work out the problems in a matter of hours. But we still hope for redemption. That's where this book comes in. It makes the argument that even with the progress of current times, it pays to be realistic and prudent. It talks about existential threats that loom over our heads as we go about worrying and complaining of gazillion things wrong with life. Bringing home the extent of these threats (wayward asteroids, super eruptions, resistant disease microbes, engineered pathogens, climate change, nuclear warheads, self-aware AI etc.), the author paints a grim picture of how the world is hanging by a thread. And while some may dismiss this book as just another alarmist text, it is worth reading.

The author cites quality research in bolstering his argument for more public participation in the fate of the planet. He warns us against falling for the optimism of being saved (albeit at the last minute), when we are hardly taking steps to mitigate any threats. Political and economic upheavals are taking our minds off of the most important thing: the continued survival of our species. Which most certainly has been down to ours being extremely lucky and brief (on geologic scale). But luck does run out, sooner or later. And if it sounds alarmist anyway, that's because it rightfully should. Volcanoes don't just erupt and affect locally for a short time. Climate change doesn't stop even if we do (if ever). Universe isn't partial to humans. Political leaders have been known to be trigger happy. Terrorists might just be on the forefront of innovations. And scientific efforts don't factor morals and intentions. There is just too much out there to believe it is all for the good. And taking no actions despite that knowledge might just be our undoing.

Hope is not on offer in this book. Rather there is a request for it. The author is looking for it, just like all of us. And while we are still looking to our politicians with crossed fingers, the author is looking to us. It doesn't take rocket science to realize that everyone has to step up to face down any existential threat. Tax money doesn't always convert to public relief. Giving away the power to act to the select few with safe havens shouldn't be accepted any longer. We shouldn't be ok with only a few of us making through a planetary disaster. What does it speak of us as a self-aware species if we can't save ourselves from the threats we see barreling down towards us, decades if not centuries from now. Maybe it is time to wake up from the false hope overdose and work for the true one. Humans love to say "Oh! It is the end times.". I believe every generation thought the same at some time or the other. And while we can forgive past generations, we can't say the same for the current one.

It is the end times alright. Just not the one we couldn't stave off, if we tried.