A review by angels_gp17
Rebel's Desire by Laurie London


** Read as part of the [b:Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance|25533863|Dark and Damaged Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance|Jennifer Ashley|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1431556334s/25533863.jpg|45323014] **

~ 4 Rebel’s Desire Stars ~

Rebel’s Desire is book four in the Iron Portal series by Laurie London. We are given a compelling world, plot, and characters.

I was pulled back into this fabulous and intriguing world. The concept is great with two worlds divided by hidden portals, one modern and one medieval. The Cascadians (medieval) have something the Pacificans (modern) want - Talents people with special abilities. These two separate worlds are waring with each other. The author does a deceit job explaining all of this, but I think the series is best read in order to get the full scope of what is going on.

Toryn, is part of the Cascadian Iron Guild and has some major trust issues after his love betrayed him. Falling for him is bound to have a few bumps along the way. Keely, is a Talent who grew up in the Pacificans world. She does not know the extent of her powers, but because of them her and her sister where cast out of their home as teenagers. She’s got daddy issues and her sister is missing.

These two end up working together and as they spend more time together they both learn to open up and heal. The romance is sweet and quick with some very hot and steamy moments. The author also features some familiar faces and that is always enjoyable.

Rebel’s Desire was a good read and I am looking forward to more installments in the Iron Portal series.
