A review by laurla
The Paladin Caper by Patrick Weekes

"the way your mother keeps going back to your father even though she knows that i'm better between the sheets." (one character has a penchant for 'your mother' insults)

"their minds are not broken yet. we might not have to strip them and peel their skin off while reciting the names of everyone they have ever had sex with and telling them what that person was really thinking about at the time."

"what?" (intentional rockslide occurs)

"she prayed, and it was not a faithful prayer of supplication but a damn you all, you owe me kind of prayer, the kind that comes before bargaining and tears, and a small desperate please."

"nobody wants to say no to someone who's cheerfulling at them."

"i go by kail, its shorter, easier for your mother to shout over and over again."
"i go by slant, ever since i left your mother walking crooked."
"your mother doesn't talk this much. of course, usually her mouth is f--"

"what the hell are you going to do with that useless little thing?"
"thats what your mother said."

"love is easy. need though. need feels like weakness. need means you're not all right without someone else." (why its easier to admit you love someone than it is to admit you need them)