A review by amberisalwaysreading86
The Deal Dilemma by Meagan Brandy


After waiting for months, and scouring the internet for updates of any kind on this book,I can say that I was surprised by my initial reading of it.

Firstly, let me just say,that Meagan Brandy can still write a sweet and sexy male main character. The woman gave the literary world Noah Riley...enough said.

In The Deal Dilemma, Crew is a driven, disciplined, and hard working guy who is able to separate desire from duty.
I loved and admired him at first glimpse.
To be a young man who is humble, if a bit hardened by life's circumstances,he is definitely a compelling male lead.
So, imagine my surprise at seeing him aligned with someone like our female lead, Davis...it just did not jive with me. We,the readers, are supposed to believe that a seasoned guy like Crew would be head over heels in love with,and attracted to a candy necklace wearing woman-child, who is so naive as to believe a contract for her virginity is the way to his heart..and if not,that he could tutor her in luring in a man?

Now,I'll be the first to admit Romance novel scenarios often require us to suspend disbelief for any number of outrageous reasons.
However, the growing trend of making FMC's quirky,and unnecessarily neurotic,and downright dumbed down is very frustrating to me as a reader. It is not, (as I assume the author intended) at all endearing.
Instead,I ended up feeling both sorry,and embarrassed for her.
One would also assume that a young woman who'd seen firsthand the destructive path her brother Memphis led,would have enough life experience and perspective to have gained some insight into the real world. She's also been away from her parents for years in this scenario,so it just didn't mesh with the personality of Davis.
I wanted so badly to love every aspect of this book,the build up among the fans of Meagan's was so intense leading up to its release, that I desperately wanted to enjoy a book the likes of SYS.
I can only hope that in future,the female leads she writes will exhibit the same mental and emotional fortitude and maturity that her male main characters enjoy.
Perhaps an older heroine would be in order at some point,as well.
I feel comfortable giving this book atleast 3⭐ because Crew is such a good example of hard work,and sacrifice paying off. I really liked his character,and the supporting cast of characters he contributed to the storyline.