A review by malkav11
Unclean Spirits by M.L.N. Hanover


I have been an enduring fan of the urban fantasy genre, but it's certainly true that certain paths in it seem rather well worn, and many of the authors that work in the genre are what I would describe as competent, perhaps with a few particularly good ideas, rather than exceptional. M.L.N. Hanover is an example of the latter. The concept behind this series' version of urban fantasy is solid and reasonably original (supernatural creatures are all variations on the theme of parasitic extradimensional creatures "riding" human hosts), but what makes it really stand out is the expert plotting, pacing and characterization.

I particularly adored the character of Midian, whose gravelly "que sera sera" approach to life and expert cooking provide a lovely sort of straight man to the drama infusing the rest of the book. But I am really a fan of everyone involved, from the protagonist, disowned by uber-Christian parents and struggling to find her place in life only to be bowled over by her uncle's legacy, to Ex, awkward and overly paternalistic yet well meaning ex-priest and exorcist, to calm, wise ex-addict Chogyi Jake, to parasitologist hunk Aubrey. I love the hints at deeper mysteries with Jayne's mysterious fighting prowess and the unexplored contents of her uncle's many properties. I love the way magic is described - potent, evocative, yet coherent and consistent. I love the expertly timed chapter breaks and plot reveals. I just plain love this book. (And the rest of the series promises to be every bit as good.)