A review by libraryofcalliope
Gaudi Afternoon by Barbara Wilson


Cassandra Reilly works as a translator to fund her adventures travelling all over the world. When the mysterious Frankie employs her help in assisting her to track down her ex husband in Barcelona, things get somewhat out of hand. This book introduces the amateur detective and embroils her in the plot of custody battles, kidnappings, cross dressing and questions around who can be a mother. I’m definitely interested to read more of this lesbian detective but there were some definite flaws with this book. The plot was so dedicated to high stakes and twists that the author tended to use the same conventions again and again and again and it didn’t really add anything by repeating them. This book also features two trans characters as well as men who just enjoy wearing dresses and the narrative makes a clear distinction between the two but it was written in the 90s so some of the language and understanding was definitely outdated. Overall it was an interesting book, especially as a mystery novel without any murders. It was more about the characters’ relationships with each other and that was definitely it’s strong point.