A review by libraryofdreaming
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton


must say I am a big fan of this new fad for Arabian Nights-esque YA fantasy! (That's a poor generalization but I honestly don't know what they're calling it these days.) Rebel of the Sands is a true gem in this category! One part gun-happy Western, one part classic YA magic, it's inventive and just plain fun. I was looking for something entertaining and this book was just what I needed. Alwyn Hamilton's world-building is creative in a genre that can sometimes feel like the same thing over and over again. The setting was just great. It felt real as well as appropriately fantastical. I mean, why hasn't someone thought of combining Middle Eastern traditions with a shoot 'em up Western?? The genres meld to wonderful affect in Rebel of the Sands without being overly corny. It's just fun without having to make a particular message.

Amani is an engaging heroine. She is not immune from certain YA tropes, but you still feel for her and root for her. She is realistically self-serving at times which makes her nobler actions have more of an impact. I really loved her connection to the desert as well as the portrayal of life in the Saharan version of the Dust Bowl. (I'm really mixing my geographical metaphors. Somebody reel me back in.) The romance was tropey as well but I still enjoyed it. The reveal will surpise literally no one but that doesn't mean that it can't play out well. Unlike other quicker romances in The Forbidden Wish and The Star-Crossed Queen, I believe that Alwyn Hamilton will be able to give greater weight and time to the romance as this is the first of a series. While I wasn't completely thrilled by one of the reveals (I felt like Amani stood just fine on her own without any more complications), I did appreciate the magical elements well enough. The imagery, again, was pretty enchanting and the magic was unusual enough to capture my imagination.

Hopefully the author will be able to expand on the magic and world-building of Rebel of the Sands in the rest of the series without falling into any overdone plot holes. This book was a very fun ride and I look forward to the sequel! Bring on the Western-esque magic adventures!