A review by yodamom
Fate's Edge by Ilona Andrews


The Edge, the Weird, the Broken, all filled with twisted exciting people. Their stories never fail to hold me entranced. This addition to the series had me chasing through the worlds with Kaldar, our con-hero as he tracks down a stolen item of great value. His tracking leads him to a beautiful, skilled and reluctant con-women with special lock skills, Audrey. She hates him he wants to be rid of her,and the big bad's want to filet them both. Two of a kind, they find it hard to pull one on the other making for some funny moments. They tumble through it, and not easily.
Jack and George steal the book with their witty remarks and outlooks. They are teenagers now and full of all the spiked independence you would expect. They are the dynamic duo plus. They hold each other up support each other and are willing to die to help. Gaston was another fun young character, I wish he had more parts. I love these characters.
This book had a different pace and feel from the other two in the series. It was nice to have a fresh look into their world. I really enjoyed it, the first book, The Edge is still my favorite in the series. ah but- There is so much going on it needs another read. This one goes one the top shelf to re-read soon