A review by beastreader
Basic: Surviving Boot Camp and Basic Training by Jack Jacobs, David Fisher


I picked up this book going into it like I was going to get a lot of tips but also just a lot of dialect. Yes this book does have dialect but it is not stale. It is actually very enlightening. Throughout the book are quotes from military movies or actual personal that endured boot camp/basic training. Although I have never actually been in the military, I did get a little taste of what it would be like to enlist in the military. I was in the Civil Air Patrol and I was gone for a week at the Air Force Academy. I had to follow all of the rules as if I was actually in the military with the 45 degree hospital corners, dusting and cleaning my room, the bathroom, and polishing my boots as well as ironing my uniform. Oh and taking a shower what is that. I was lucky if I got to take a 5 minute shower. It was because of this that I have learned to take quick showers and get dressed quickly.

So I could relate to stuff that people were talking about. I even understood the reason for the yelling. The stories that people would share were funny. This is a well-written, quick read.