A review by cranberrytarts
How a Cowboy Stole Her Heart by Donna Alward


Don't let the title and cover fool you, this isn't a light piece of fluff. There's quite a bit of emotional depth in these pages.

Meg and Clay are just two big balls of issues. Meg is dealing with the scars from her fight with cancer - both the physical and emotional ones. She's determined to live her life to the fullest, and yet at the same time she's scared. Scared that next time she might not make it. She's also scared that Clay won't be the man she needs him to be. She needs someone she can rely on. Someone she can count on to be there in case the worst happens and her cancer comes back.

Clay has lost enough people in his life. He doesn't want to take the chance that he'll end up having his heart broken. Instead, he pushes Meg away, thinking they'll both be better off. But as time goes on he comes to realize he wants Meg in his life - even if that means risking his a broken heart. The problem will be convincing Meg he's the man for her.

Although there were some very touching scenes in this book and many emotional pitfalls, I had frustrations with both Meg and Clay. They kept saying harsh things to each other and pulling back at the slightest hint of deeper feelings. While I understood this in the beginning, as the novel progressed I found myself losing patience with them.