A review by crookedtreehouse
Indestructible Hulk, Volume 1: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. by Mark Waid


If you're reading this because it was tagged "Daredevil" and wondering what sort of drug I was on when I confused these two books, there is a connection, even though Daredevil does not appear anywhere in this title.

The easy part of the connection is that they're both written by Mark Waid. I enjoy much of Waid's superhero work, and his concept: Bruce Banner decides to use his Hulk curse to his advantage by deploying him for SHIELD missions is well-executed. Unfortunately, I don't quite care about any of the characters in this book. I know it leads into Waid's Daredevil storyline, as issues #9 and #10 of Indetructible Hulk are in [b:Daredevil, Vol. 6: Serpenti|39294205|Daredevil, Vol. 6 Serpenti|Mark Waid|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1521174341l/39294205._SY75_.jpg|25073662]. But do you need the story that leads up to it?


If you're a Hulk fan this may be your cup of smash but, for me it didn't hook me enough to want to read volume two, even though I can see it from where I'm sitting.