A review by bookishmya
The Earl Was Wrong by Britt Belle


It took me awhile to come around for Sebastian. I felt for him, truly. He had built up so many walls and clung to his structure with such a tight grip that I had difficulty loving him. Emmeline tried so hard, and he constantly let her down. I know what you’re thinking, if I don’t like the hero how can this be a positive. But here’s the thing, I love a good redemption arc! And Sebastian’s epiphany was exactly the thing I needed to fall head over heels for this Earl. He truly had his priorities straight in his plan to win her back and I loved that! Emmeline is all about family, it’s who she is at her core and that was the only path forward. This story is written with a surprising amount of realism that can easily be missed when reading historical. The emotions felt, the reactions and the uncertainties truly speak to a weakness that is engrained in every one of us. We are forever our own worst critics, and that self-doubt can be an impossible hill to climb. I felt both Emmeline and Sebastian faced their personal hills with admirable strength and resilience. They each faced a battle of self-discovery before they could truly embrace their emotions and in the end, they came together in a spectacular fashion to create their own family and continue to build on that. These are some difficult aspects to marry together in a perfect blend and I am supremely impressed that Britt Belle was able to achieve such harmony in her writing style in her debut novel. I look forward to peering closer into the future of the Greyson siblings.