A review by crookedtreehouse
Uncanny X-Men: Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire by Ed Brubaker, Clayton Henry, Billy Tan


There are two main problems with this book, and they contradict each other.

First off, it's too long a story, given its plot. This might have been a fun six issue arc, but it goes on twelvever, and I kept losing interest.

Secondly, its consolidation of the plot of Deadly Genesis, during the issue where Vulcan is reintroduced wasn't enough. It depended too much on narration boxes, rather than letting it unfold during the natural plot of the book.

I had a hard time connecting to any of the characters in this book. It should have been such a relief after the Milligan/Claremont era, as Brubaker is generally an excellent writer, but I just couldn't stay invested in what was happening.

I recommend it for Summers Brothers enthusiasts, and people who wish the X-Men were more like the early 2000s era Guardians Of The Galaxy (not the fun ones from the movie, but the bleak ones from the comics).