A review by jacqueline1989
Blood Trinity by Dianna Love, Sherrilyn Kenyon


This series is definitely going to be five-stars! Blood Trinity in particular, however, is truly ranked at a four star for just one tiny reason: the world is HUGE!

Overall, I absolutely adored this story! Evalle in particular is, and no doubt will continue to be, a fascinating character. Her counterparts, Quinn and Tzader, are equally compelling, fun, and all out alpha to the extreme. There are so few books on the market that allow readers to overwhelmingly care about the characters to the point that one is able to love the story despite any apparent flaw.

Blood Trinity's only negative against it deals with the fact that it's somewhat confusing. There are so many different types of species of characters, different powers and cultures that didn't feel truly explained. However, I'm completely confident such will be extrapolated upon at a later date in subsequent novels. This is, after all, the first book in a new series. Diana and Sherri will no doubt clear the air on any confusing issues remaining over what exactly Beladors and Altarants are and from where they derive.

Still, despite this one flaw, this book was so entertaining! I'm left completely enthralled with this story and am thrilled about the next book. I adore the fact that this is a continuing story, which is very surprising since I'm not that big a fan of extrapolated story-lines. The series is absolutely going to be amazing, for there are so many plot lines, characters, and emotions left unexplored! Vyan, Sen, Isak, Storm - Feenix, Evalle, Quinn, Tzader - the list of awesome people in this book is truly endless!

Books that are so entertaining are truly downright impossible to review. Having been so caught up with the story and characters, it's so difficult to separate my consciousness from the book and evaluate it without a lot of apparent hyperbole. But who cares! I loved the book, I loved the story, and that's all that matters!