A review by katherineshawwrites
Heroes & Harbingers by A.R.K. Horton


This book is perfect for anyone who grew up with stories of magical schools and wants to see a fresh take on it as an adult.

I loved seeing the story told not only through a student's POV, but also two of the teachers, which built up the tension well and gave us a perspectives we rarely see in this sort of setting.

The sexual tension between Finn and Pavlina was done PERFECTLY, building up slowly, giving us misunderstandings that frustrate us but compel us to read on to their resolution, and describing their attraction in such a realistic way that you feel it yourself as a reader.

The world-building is fabulous, dropping in the real-life aspects of Jacksonville that feel very authentic while seamlessly weaving in the fantastical elements.

The ending was a suckerpunch in all the right ways and I absolutely cannot wait to read the next in the series.