A review by raven168
The Lost Vampire by Kate Baxter


3.5 stars
I probably would have rounded up instead of down for this one except for the fact that there was just so little Mikhail in it (practically none at all, really). I know it's not his book, but he's still my favorite and I want more of him.

What I liked probably most with this book is that the main couple here did not fall in love in an instant. The last six books I've read have made insta-love a very urksome thing to me so this was almost refreshing with it taking weeks at least.

By the end of the last book, I was a bit worried about how much I would like Saeed here. He's lucky he won me over. He ended up being a great guy once he got his head out of the damn collective. I loved the way he talked and acted. He might have been a little too full of himself considering he was newly turned, but that wasn't surprising.

I also liked Cerys. Over a thousand years as Rin's slave have changed her. But she also has made herself into a cold and uncaring person as a way to keep moving. A rare type of fae, Cerys is a soul stealer. Having been betrayed by her own sister, Rin holds possession of Cerys' own soul and forces her to do his bidding. Even though it kills her a little bit more each time she takes another's soul. She hates her life and she especially hates Rin. But she IS taken care of, in a fashion, and she really sees no point in even hoping for change let alone wanting it. Until Saeed shows up.

Saeed was so sure that Cerys was his mate, but when she fails to tether his soul he is at a loss as to why. Even so, he still believes that she is his and is determined to prove it to her. Playing a dangerous game with Rin, Saeed puts himself into place as Cerys' bodyguard. Weeks pass as the two of them get closer and learn more about the other, but Saeed is no closer to finding where Rin has hidden her soul. Cerys has lived so long without emotion that when she feels things around Saeed she is taken by surprise. Worst of all is the hope she feels from his unfailing conviction that she is meant to be his and he will free her from her soulless state. Add to that the fact that he is the only person to treat her with kindness and actually wants to be around her, and her heart is done for. No matter how hard she tries to push him away or change his mind, Saeed refuses to leave without her.

When Gregor and some of his men show up in Seattle, things take a very quick turn for the worst. Despite the danger, Rin sends Cerys out to collect another soul. Were it not for Saeed, she would have no doubt died there. As it was, even Saeed barely makes it back to his condo. They end losing themselves to each other, and then losing track of time. Which leads to something that was easy to see coming. When the sun finally goes down, Saeed is out of time and out of options. Making a very temporary alliance with an interesting fae named Fallon, it's off to Rin's club. I really liked how everything went down there and did not expect Gregor to do what he did.

It may have ended well for Saeed, but Sasha has gone off the deep end. I honestly don't like what her character has turned into. So I guess, much like with Saeed, I can only hope that she doesn't piss me off too much in her book next.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.