A review by riverlasol
The Brass Queen by Elizabeth Chatsworth


I was super duper excited when I was approved for this arc on netgalley. It’s basically steampunk with nefarious plots that must be thwarted and it was not at all what I expected, but it was very entertaining (which is honestly all one can ask of a novel).

At first, I did find the writing style hard to get into, but once I got past the first chapter I was hooked. The characters were so original, as was the setting. There was so much creativity poured into this story and I loved every minute. Although I have read a few steampunk novels before, this one was so unique. It twisted history. It twisted my plot expectations. It was just so twisty (is that a word?) in the best possible way. I also really liked the romance. I thought the characters had such perfect chemistry. I could’ve been a little more invested in it than I was, I think, if we heard more of the main character’s thoughts, but nevertheless it was great romance.

Okay so if any or all of what I just discussed appeals to you allow me to bring up the deal breaker: This book was hilarious!!! I loved the little bits of humour that suddenly appeared and made me snort, but most of all I loved this one scene that I can’t mention. I literally couldn’t stop laughing omg it was the best! If you like humorous novels and steampunk I would highly recommend this to you!

Thank you so much to the publisher and @netgalley for the review copy! The Brass Queen comes out in just about ten days, so go preorder it! If you do, there is a great pre-order campaign you can enter.