A review by the_novel_approach
Divergence by Lyn Gala


This is the last of the three books in the Aberrant Magic series, and it finishes things off strong. The Talent Team is recovering its equilibrium after some serious shake ups in the first and second book, Kavon and Darren are synching their relationship and magic into a strong and cohesive front, and information on Darren’s magic and the hidden history of the ifrit are revealed.

This whole series has been very fun to read. I like the characters, and the magic in this universe is inventive, interesting, and even, at times, amusing. Lyn Gala’s typical care for world building and strong character development skills are on display again, and it really is a treat. If you enjoy a paranormal flavor to your M/M, this urban fantasy is definitely something you’ll enjoy.

Things are left with all the major plot arcs resolved, though there are a couple tantalizing threads that could be picked up in later, one-off stories, and I would absolutely devour any more insight into the wonderful secondary characters that populate this world. But the two outstanding cases for the Talent Team are resolved satisfactorily, and Kavon’s and Darren’s relationship has hit its stride and ends the series at a high point, so things feel snug and resolved by the end.

If you’re looking for something to pick up and enjoy this weekend, make this your choice. I don’t think you’ll regret it. With a twist on the typical urban fantasy fare, likeable characters, and interesting world building, there’s a lot to like about this series.

Reviewed by Cassie for The Novel Approach Reviews