A review by lifeinthebooklane
Make Me, Sir by Cherise Sinclair


Reading this has left me wanting to spend a small fortune buying all the other books Cherise Sinclair has written and then spend the next month reading them all.

Sadly real life won't let me do that but I AM determined to work my way through them as and when time and money allow.

Gabi and Marcus are really well written characters, very easy to like and with hidden depths. We also saw them both grow and learn new things about themselves. The story drew me in from the very start and I struggled to put it back down. Boring things like work and sleep got in the way of me reading this in one sitting otherwise I would have done exactly that.

Cherise's writing is excellent, as usual, I did think I'd spotted a few typo's but then realised it was Marcus' colloquial way of speaking! She has an amazing ability to write in a way that puts you into the scene, even inside the character's head at times. Her BDSM scenes work and even when the Doms push boundaries it's done in a careful, caring and consensual way. Her Doms may spank and 'beat' the ass of their subs, but they also always respect them and that ethos is evident throughout the story.

We don't just get Gabi and Marcus' view points, which seemed a little bit strange at first, but was VERY necessary to the plot. It didn't take me long to get into it and I loved how it allowed us to see more of Jessica and Z's relationship without it being in the form of a twee short story or 'extended epilogue' type of offering.

If you enjoy BDSM romance then Cherise's books are a must read. Each can be read stand alone, though once you've read one you WILL have to read them all, so you might as well start with book #1! I hugely recommend this, hugely.