A review by miguelf
Made in China: A Prisoner, an SOS Letter, and the Hidden Cost of America's Cheap Goods by Amelia Pang


The story of the life and treatment of the main protagonist is eye opening in giving a glimpse of what life for some is like in China when one falls afoul of censors. The forced working conditions sound appalling and naturally it’s so disturbing to think that we in the West are inadvertently contributing to this situation by the purchase of cheap goods made in worse-than-sweatshop conditions. I couldn’t help but feel almost worse for May as it didn't appear that she was a strict Falun Gong adherent but was merely swept up in the activities of the husband. Overall depressing and more so to think that the US has conditions that are only slightly better overall, yet the US has an incarceration rate that is almost 8 times that of China.
The author did a recent AMA on Reddit and China supporters showed up in droves to brigade the conversation which is too bad considering that this wasn't even discussing the Uighur situation, but the former wave of mass arrests there.