A review by mtomchek
A Film in Which I Play Everyone by Mary Jo Bang


"We are all dying but some more than most..."

"...you're underwater in a river of kindness that loves only you."

"There should be no anxiety in knowing the world will die when we die. This is how it is with us..."

"...the real is wherever we are. The days refuse to stay put. Speaking is a way of living with the ruin we were given."

"What you really want is to be a camera, documenting the height you're about to fall from."

"Who listens to anyone anymore?"

"When the book closes , we open it again just to see ourselves in the margin."

"...silence is a sleeve, I'm an arm in it."

"I'm making sense all the time of all the senseless endings. A day is as long as the time it takes for the mind to consider life and death countless times."

"But not everything is possible. You are only the heroine in your own story."

"There at the edge of the water - Venus was where I'd last left her, standing on a half shell, staring hard at reeds bending in the wind. She & I both wanted to see something change."

Such a marvelous and stunning collection of poetry. I loved Mary Jo Bang's work, and her poems truly spoke to my soul. Some unique and artistic words with a play on David Bowie. She thinks deeply like I do, so I felt a relation to her.