A review by eososray
A Burnable Book by Bruce Holsinger


Over the last few years I've really jumped into the historical fiction genre and have managed to read a whole lot them. From classics to living masters to those with mass appeal and those without and quite a few first attempts at fiction. The last applying to this book. And if I hadn't already known that fact, I would never have found out from the quality of the writing or the story. This is a well written book by a man who really loves his subject.
I absolutely appreciate that there are no info dumps, that everything you need to know is incorporated into the story in a believable way. I love the type of book that can really transport you to the time and era, that can make you understand the lives and feelings of the people, how they lived and survived, what it would have been like to live in that part of town or work in a certain trade. I think this story really did that.
I also liked the mystery of the second story, the one in italics. That I didn't quite know what it was about or who it was about but that it revealed itself at just the right moments.

For me it could get a little descriptive. Too many small aspects were explained in too much detail. And the end took too long in my mind, I just wanted to get on with it already.

Some wonderful characters and fascinating history make this a very good read. I am happy to know that at least one more book with John Gower is in the works.