A review by morethanmylupus
The Bellwether Revivals by Benjamin Wood


The little summary for this book says it's part [b:Brideshead Revisited|30933|Brideshead Revisited|Evelyn Waugh|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1344269151s/30933.jpg|2952196] and part [b:The Secret History|29044|The Secret History|Donna Tartt|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327733397s/29044.jpg|221359]. If I hadn't read either book, particularly The Secret History, I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more. As it stands, all I could think about as I read it was what a blatant ripoff of The Secret History it was. It wasn't even a good ripoff - I maybe could have handled it if it was a better version. In reality, it couldn't live up to even the shadow of The Secret History. It didn't feel unique and that ruined the mystery. The ending was terrible. Most of the characters weren't sufficiently developed to be interesting. Mostly I was just bored. Skip this one and read The Secret History instead - that one is actually worth the read.