A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Junkyard Bargain by Faith Hunter


Pardon me as I squee, but I'm so excited to have Junkyard Bargain in my hands! Junkyard Bargain is the second novella in Faith Hunter's Junkyard Cats series. If you love post-apocalyptic stories and cats, you're just going to love it.

Shining Smith is a survivor. She's survived no less than three situations that would have killed the average human, and the odds are good that she's going to go through worse before it is all said and done. Especially as she hunts down her enemies.

However, she's not going to have much time to prepare for that battle. Not when her enemy holds one of her allies. So she's on a timer to get things done, and that includes getting her hands on a powerful weapon. Naturally, that task is easier said than done.

“The Law as uncertain, vengeance wasn't.”

I have been waiting for Junkyard Bargain from the instant I finished Junkyard Cats. Which means I have been waiting a little over a year to read this beauty. Was it worth it? A hundred times yes. Though now I find myself already eagerly awaiting news of the sequel. I'm sure that one will be worth the wait as well.

There's so much to love about Junkyard Bargain, and the series in general. As a cat lover, I especially adore the inclusion of Shining's dangerous Feline's. Their personalities (and abilities) take the whole setting to a new level. Then again, I'm a crazy cat lady, so I am probably being a bit biased here. Oh well.

Naturally, Shining herself is another big reason to love this series. She's been through a lot of trauma, and has become the epitome of 'what does not kill me makes me stronger.' It's going to be interesting to see where her story goes from here, especially where her allies are concerned (I'm trying to hard to be vague here, to avoid spoilers).

This dystopian future is a dark one, and in many ways, it feels like the sort of world that only Faith Hunter can dream up. I love seeing her tackle more of a science fiction take, though she still captures human nature in horrifying detail.

Long story short – once again I have fallen in love with a world and story created by Faith Hunter. I can't wait to read what happens next, but unfortunately, I am going to have to practice at being patient.

Thanks to Let's Talk Promotions (LTP) for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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