A review by tatterededges
I Made a Mistake by Jane Corry


Urgh. This book was fucking tedious.

Poppy: I’m supposed to be a smart, independent woman but I make dumb choices and allow my husband to treat me like shit because I’m just a girl and it’s obviously my fault. I couldn’t possibly hold him to account.

Betty: I’m supposed to be a smart, independent woman but I make dumb choices and allow my husband to treat me like shit because I’m just a girl and it’s obviously my fault. I couldn’t possibly hold him to account.

Poppy: wah! I made a mistake and now everyone will hate me just like I hate me.

Betty: I’m basically a stalker but that’s ok because I’m a lovely person

Poppy: WAHHHH! Let me spend a couple dozen pages catastrophising everything and doing nothing to help myself.

Court: rehashes what we already know

Poppy: Waaahhhhh! I’m so helpless

Betty: oh FFS, here, I’ll fix it.

Court: rehashes more of what we already know.

Poppy: rehashes even more of what we already know, only with more whining.

Betty: I’m going to stay in a loveless marriage with an arsehole because I deserve it.

Poppy: I’m going to stay in a loveless marriage with an arsehole because I deserve it.

Me: Oh god, please just make it stop!

But it didn’t stop, it just kept going on and on and around and around long past the point of where it should have finished until the reader wished they’d been murdered instead of the antagonist.