A review by caitlinsbooks
The Reading Cure: How Books Restored My Appetite by Laura Freeman


5+ stars!!!!

Please brace yourselves for some food related puns......

I’ve definitely savoured this book. It took me a few months to read it (every time I read this book I got hungry, you have been warned) but I’m so glad that I took as long as I did. This book has carried me through the last few months when my mental well-being hasn’t been the best. I originally picked up this book because I had heard reviews about it, and, although I have never suffered with anorexia I’ve definitely had thoughts similar to ones that Laura Freeman speaks about in this book. The feelings of self hatred, needing to ‘earn’ food, obsessing over food and then starving until I can’t even think. It’s a dark and scary place and while I’m slowly wading through the worst of it (thanks to therapy, and an amazing support system) it’s lovely to read from the perspective of someone who has made it through and is open about still struggling.

Laura’s obsessive research and love for this topic, along with her incredible writing really did make me hungry every time I opened the book. I don’t think I’ll be reading all of the books that she has about food to cure what ails me (check out the bibliography in the back, it’s INSANE).