A review by bootman
The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do about It by Warren Farrell


I rate 99.9% of the books I read 5 stars because I understand books are subjective and a topic or writings tyle that doesn’t interest me may interest others. When I don’t give a book 5 stars, I give it 3 or 4 instead. This book, I gave 1 star. Why? Because I think it’s dangerous, and I cannot believe how many people follow the work of these men religiously.

When I say dangerous, this isn’t hyperbole. I found this book because I was trying to learn more about what the hell is wrong with young men in light of all of the mass shootings. Someone said Warren Farrell is really popular for his work with young men, so I checked this out. Not only is this book filled with an insane amount of misinformation and pseudoscience, but this book furthers the idea that men have it terrible because of women.

Don’t get me wrong, young men are struggling, and they need help. The issue with the book is that it’s regularly putting the blame on women, and then it also lies about statistics that are extremely easy to fact check. It’s almost as though Farrell knows he’s full of shit because he mentions statistics when they’re false but dives into them deeper when they’re accurate or referencing a good study.

My main issue with this book is that with the fact that most mass shooters are incels, this book will most likely just radicalize them more. What’s crazy is that I usually get pissed about pseudoscience in these books, but that’s the least of the issues with it. But, when it does get into “healing” towards the end with John Gray, it says homeopathy is a legitimate science and goes as far to make claims that natural remedies can cure autism (not help, but cure autism).

Check this book out if you want or if you don’t believe me. But for the love of God, don’t use it as a book to help create better young men because it’s filled with misinformation. I’d love to think it’s ignorance, but these are two smart guys, so it really feels like they do this intentionally.

If you’re interested, I wrote a piece about some of the misinformation from the book early on when I noticed how often it was happening: https://therewiredsoul.substack.com/p/the-lies-male-oppression-are-making