A review by hannas_heas47
Decoding Your 21st Century Daughter: The Anxious Parent's Guide to Raising a Teenage Girl by Helen Wright


Thanks Netgalley for a copy to read and review.

Cute guide to those hormonal years when your beautiful daughter turns into something you just can't recognize. Author gives tips and plausible explanations for those hormone imbalance years and how to navigate through them. I thought it was a cute read, gives you a look inside your angst teens head and properly prepares you for the havoc you may be going through or the wait until you get there. Teenagers do not stay in that mode and most turn into the healthy adult you want them to be years after. You can survive these years and a few things stuck with me. Choose your battles....this is very important. If you make everything a battle your teenager really won't ever listen to you. Never let them go to far without reeling them back in. Most parents just give up but kids want boundaries. It's never too late for these things. Great book...