A review by beccajbooks
Before Evil by Alex Kava


Excellent, again. :)

I love the Maggie O'Dell series and this is the prequel to A PERFECT EVIL, written well after we've had Maggie established by Alex Kava as a super duper FBI behaviour analyst.

I enjoyed the story, it was twisty and turny. I loved all the characters. Seeing Gwen and Cunningham at the start of Maggie's story was good. Knowing that Maggie wasn't always so sure of herself, and was affected the way she was at her first real crime scene, was great. We saw that she is human after all. However we also now know that she has become slightly blind to the terrible things she sees, as later in in the series, the crime scenes just don't affect her in this way.

I loved that Rita was more than just a fleeting name in the background in this book! :)

The only problem I had with this publication was the amount of errors that should have been picked up by the editor. There were a lot of words missing or words that should've been something else. It didn't detract too much from the story though. So I'll let them off this time :)

Can't wait to read more Maggie.