A review by pixiejazz
A Colorful Life: Drawn in Broken Crayon by Melissa Storm


A Colorful Life: Drawn in Broken Crayon tells the story of Daly English. At twenty, Daly feels like she's in a rut. Unable to attend the art school she wants to go to, she's stuck dealing with classes she doesn't care about, a cheating boyfriend, and an indifferent mother who would rather see her daughter go to nursing school. All that changes, though, when she meets a handsome young man at the coffee shop she visits one day. Although a little annoyed by him at first, she lets him in, and suddenly, her life becomes a whirlwind of romance and adventure. From Michigan to India and back again, Daly learns to let go and become free.

I really quite enjoyed this book. I felt an immediate connection to Daly. Her mother sort of reminded me of my own, but in a different way. I just wish I had her artistic talent. I felt she was a really simple character, but with a complexity about her, if that makes sense.

Kashi is probably my favorite character. He was written so well. He's fun, charming, and romantic. I actually pictured him as Dev Patel the entire time I was reading the story. If this book ever became a movie, he'd be perfect for the role, I think.

Meghann is also a really lovely character. She's got a hard life, but she doesn't let it get her down. She becomes best friends with Daly, even though there's a bit of an age difference between them. Their connection is so sweet and so real. I liked that about this book.

The plot flowed nicely. It wasn't too fast or too slow. There was romance, friendship, adventure, and tragedy. A tiny bit of frustration, too. I found myself getting sucked into the story, and I had a really hard time putting the book down.

If you're looking for your next great read, I highly recommend picking up a copy of A Colorful Life. Just make sure you have some tissues on hand. Give it a whirl. It's definitely worth it, and I know you won't regret it.