A review by aqsa_ayman
The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye by David Lagercrantz


When I discovered this series I found it unique and powerful, especially without much experience of Scandinavian thrillers as a genre. I’ve enjoyed each sequel even when it dragged, as there was some compelling element to the story. Unfortunately I found this one to be lacklustre. The storyline about the twins was odd and not so engaging. Maybe I’ve seen too much tv about experiments gone wrong, stranger things, glitch, orphan black etc.

I did appreciate the storyline with Faria. Those parts were often painful to read but had much more impact than anything to do with Leo or Dan, although the twist in events at the end of their story reminded me of the twist in the first book of this series, and the sick surprise of it.

I feel as if Lisbeth is too famous a character for her badassery (if that’s not a word, it is now). It’s at some kind of cartoonish place that takes away from her complexity. Apart from the speech at the end of the book, knowing how deeply she would mourn, I couldn’t really empathise with her in this one.

I should probably note that I took a lengthy break in the middle of this which has probably affected my rating...could barely remember who all the side characters were for a while :p