A review by plumjam
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé


"We end this book as we began: with the bewilderment that this crime was so utterly forgotten and erased from our minds and memories. But we now know the price: the ideology that enabled the depopulation of half of Palestine's native people in 1948 is still alive and continues to drive the inexorable, sometimes indiscernible, cleansing of those Palestinians who live there today."

This book is an excellent historical telling of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. What particularly stood out to me was the way Pappé framed his text (and others studying the genocide of Palestinian people) as a retelling of the conflict between Israel and Palestine that has previously been propagandized and falsified in defense of Israel. How Palestine's history has not been told through the lens of Palestinian people. A book I think would be a complimentary read with this one is [b:Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History|357199|Silencing the Past Power and the Production of History|Michel-Rolph Trouillot|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388527079l/357199._SY75_.jpg|347360]- which examines how power influences the creation of history as we know it.

Pappé directly quotes the United Nations several times in the book, exposing their hypocrisy and neglect when it comes to Palestine. However, it wasn't only the UN that neglected Palestine. The whole world has turned a blind eye to the ongoing tragedy since 1948. For me, the most painful part of this book is knowing that things have only gotten much worse in Palestine since its publication.